Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)

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Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)


Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) is a model organism for Streptomyces research. It was the first Streptomycete to have its genome sequenced in 2002[1]. The genome has a size of 8667507 bp with more than 20 predicted gene clusters for secondary metabolites. Two of these secondary metabolites are notable for being pigmented, (which has facilitated genetic screens for mutations that affect production of these metabolites): S. coelicolor produces a characteristic blue pigment due to the production of the secondary metabolite actinorhodin (Act), as well as a red pigment due to the production of undecylprodigiosin (Red).

Growth & Maintenance

S. coelicolor grows well on SFM agar and in TSB liquid medium.


S. coelicolor sporulates well on SFM and IMA.



S. coelicolor 'superhost' strains were engineered to help increase expression of a heterologous gene or pathway by deleting certain pathways in the native host to decrease competition of nutrients and resources [2]. The strain M1146 lacks four biosynthetic gene clusters for the production of secondary metabolites. M1152 additionally has mutations in rpoB, which encodes the β subunit of RNA polymerase, and rpsL, which encodes ribosomal protein S12; these mutations have been shown to increase the production of antibiotics.

  • S. coelicolor M1146: Δact Δred Δcpk Δcda
  • S. coelicolor M1152: Δact Δred Δcpk Δcda rpoB[C1298T] rpsL[A262G C271T]



Browse the S. coelicolor A3(2) genome and antiSMASH output via the ActinoBase MORF Genome Browser.



Culture Collections


[1] Bentley, S. D., Chater, K. F., Cerdeño-Tárraga, A. M., Challis, G. L., Thomson, N. R., James, K. D., . . . Hopwood, D. A. (2002). Complete genome sequence of the model actinomycete Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). Nature, 417(6885), 141-147. doi:10.1038/417141a

[2] Gomez‐Escribano, J. P. and Bibb, M. J. (2011), Engineering Streptomyces coelicolor for heterologous expression of secondary metabolite gene clusters. Microbial Biotechnology, 4: 207-215. doi:10.1111/j.1751-7915.2010.00219.x