Teaching and Learning Resources: Antibiotics and AMR

From ActinoBase

Teaching and Learning Resources: Antibiotics and AMR

This section is our spotlight on teaching resources aimed for teaching about antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance at the undergraduate level. Hopefully these will be useful resources to you as you design and plan your courses. We are excited about promoting good pedagogy and sharing best practices for effective teaching about antibiotics and AMR. If there are any teaching resources that you find useful in your courses that don’t appear here, please let us know and we’ll add them to this list.

General Resources

Databases and Bioinformatic resources



Classroom/Workshop Activities

Data analysis

Building models, role playing, other active learning activities


Practical laboratory exercises

Other Teaching Resources


Podcasts/visual podcasts

Longer lectures

News stories/blogs

Books about antibiotics and AMR

Art and culture

  • Alexander Fleming’s Germ Art: article on Fleming’s microbial art (Rob Dunn, Smithsonian)
  • Antibiotic Apocalypse: short film using dance and martial arts to explain antibiotic resistance (Game Dr)
  • Dr Ehrlich’s Magic Bullet: movie about Dr Ehrlich and the discovery of salvarsan (IMDB page)
  • Gut Flora: art exhibit on the interactions between gut flora and antibiotics (Nicola Fawcett and Chris Wood)
  • Thanks to Penicillin: Advertisement for penicillin production from Life magazine, August 14, 1944
  • Make Do and Mend: art exhibit aimed at raising awareness about the development of antibiotic resistance (Anna Dumitriu)

Wellcome library collection: Anti-bacterial agents: historical film clips, adverts, etc.

