Lambda DNA/HindIII Ladder

From ActinoBase

Lambda HindIII Marker Preparation

  • Lambda (λ) DNA (500 µg/ml): 100µl
  • 10x Reaction Buffer: 45 µl
  • HindIII or PstI(10U/µl): 5µl
  • ddWater: 295µl


  1. Incubate 90 minutes 37°C
  2. Add 5µl HindIII or PstI
  3. Incubate 90 minutes 37°
  4. Incubate 10 minutes, 75°C
  5. Store at –20°C

Add 6x loading dye before loading into gel

Size and Concentration of Bands

Size of Bands in bp (λ HindIII) ng in 5µl
(27491) -
(23130) 240
9416 97
6556 68
(4361) 44
2322 24
2027 21
561 6
125 -